The Police Involve Other Parties In The sr23_Official IG Case

Pojok Nasional. The police explored the information of Jundi (27), admin of the Instagram @ sr23_official account, who insulted President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as a PKI activist, who claimed to produce negative content on social media only because he was disappointed with the government. The police are now exploring whether there is involvement of other parties in the actions of Jundi.

"It does not rule out the possibility of people or groups. We are doing deepening, because there is direct discussion between the perpetrators and others," said Head of Sub Directorate I of Bareskrim Police Criminal Acting Commissioner Dani Kustoni to reporters at his office, Cideng, Central Jakarta, Friday (23 / 11/2018).

Dani did not explain in detail who other people were related to Jundi. But Dani said that he was studying parties abroad.

"His motivation is economic unrest, his life too. We found these actors trying to seek economic support. We are deepening with those outside the Indonesian jurisdiction," Dani said.

Dani said that Jundi was found asking for pulses and material to the parties who supported him.

"There are a number of interests that I mentioned earlier, only limited to the economic needs in question. One of them is filling out credit, then there is a request to support it in other forms," ​​Dani explained.

Jundi was arrested on Thursday (11/15) in Aceh. He was arrested after a year of being watched by Team I Subdit I Directorate of Cyber ​​Crime Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigation.

The police said Jundi made and spread hoaxes about President Jokowi to TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. One of the uploaded content is Jundi editing a photo of Jokowi who was posing respectfully by adding a symbol of hammer sickle and the words 'JOKOWI IS A COMMUNIST'.

Jundi snared Article 45A paragraph (2) juncto Article 28 paragraph (2) and / or Article 45 paragraph (1) juncto Article 27 paragraph (1) of Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Amendment to Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning ITE. He also alleged Article 16 juncto Article 4 letter b number 1 of Law Number 40 of 2008 concerning the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and / or Article 4 paragraph (1) juncto Article 29 of Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography and / or Article 157 paragraph (1 ) Criminal Code with a penalty of 6 years imprisonment and or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.


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